Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mango Dessert

For the last 8 weekends I have been taking mini vacations and traveling to near by cities. Usually I end up in Toronto, but I have gone as far as Montreal and Niagara Falls.

Montreal had some really great bagels. Montreal-style bagels. Sweet and tasty.

Niagara Falls had the Hersey Store. Limited edition chocolate. Cookies-and-cream kisses. Chocolate-and-almond kisses. Choco-mint Chipits.

With all this traveling, I haven't had time to buy flour since I ran out.

This can be a limiting factor when deciding what to make... 

In addition, the air conditioning broke down so I decided not to bake/use the oven to avoid overheating the house. Instead, I used the refrigerator for my Mango Dessert.

Mango Dessert

I found some Mango flavoured Jello powder and I was saving it for a special day. You see, the local grocery store doesn't carry a Mango flavoured Jello powder so when I found it in the pantry, I got really excited. 

I think you can buy it at an Asian grocery store. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, there was Chinese writing all over the box.

The Jello powder was like any other Jello powder so you could probably use this recipe with other flavours. It just won't taste like mango...

I used 1 cup of boiling water to dissolve the powder. Then I used 1 cup of MILK instead of using 1 cup of cold water. I'm such a rebel.

Then I chopped up some mango and threw them in.

I waited a few hours and then... BAM! A dessert creation was born.

So simple.

Recipe For the Mango Dessert
1 package of Jello powder
1 fruit
1 cup of boiling hot water
1 cup of milk

Dissolve the Jello powder in 1 cup of boiling hot water. Stir.
Add 1 cup of milk. Stir.
Add fruit.
Refrigerate until set.


  1. Looks yummy and refreshing.

  2. Mini vacations are so much fun! I wish I could make this because it is so hot here! Alas, it is almost time for me to go to sleep so I'll have to save icy desserts for the weekend.

  3. oh you are a creative one!

  4. This looks really good and I love mangoes. I'll have to find these boxes of mango jello next time I go to an asian store.

    Hmmm, I wonder if the mango jello will taste good with oatmeal and fresh ripe mangoes? It's a possibility.

  5. Jello with oatmeal? That's a new combo to consider. As for the fresh ripe mangoes and oatmeal, I can say for certain that it tastes gooood. :D

  6. I've never tried Jello powder. Simple and interesting recipe.


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