Saturday, August 21, 2010

Take two.

It seems that I always have buttermilk on the verge of being expired and in need to be used up. 

I like to buy buttermilk because it just adds that little extra "umph" to my baking. The problem is that I never use it up in just one recipe, so I always have left over.

I usually buy more buttermilk because I don't have enough for another recipe. And of course, I end up with left over... once again.

So today was a special day.

I used up all the buttermilk, flour, vanilla extract, and eggs in ONE RECIPE. 

Great-tasting-Unintentional-Garbage muffins. 

Feel free to take two of my Berry Buttermilk Muffins.

This was take number two of a recipe that I used before. However, this time I used about 2 cups of flour instead of the 2.5 cups of required flour. I only changed it because that's all the flour I had.

The results? uh so good. And it wasn't as lumpy as before.

See? Totally smooth. So good looking. Makes you just want to take a bite...

Oh! It appears that I did. Would you look at that.

I used frozen blueberries for this recipe. I tried to use the fresh berries but I ate them all before I could put them in the recipe. Oops.

I also added frozen strawberries to some of the muffins and it did not turn out well. 

Too mushy. Too wet. Too gross.

I should mention that the strawberries were HUGE and about half the size of a single muffin. If I would try this recipe with strawberries again, I would use fresh berries and cut them into blueberry-sized pieces.

Click here for the Berry Buttermilk Muffin recipe


  1. Don't you love it when you can use up all your baking goods? It always makes me smile. I love these "garbage" muffins, and I understand the difficulty of baking muffins with strawberries...they have such a high water content!

  2. I always have buttermilk leftover too! I am definitely going to use it to make these yummy looking treats!


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