Friday, December 10, 2010

It's a boy!

My friends, Ellen and Sara, and I baked some cookies for a baby boy shower.

Then we decorated them.

It was fun. And very messy.

I wish I had more than my phone camera to capture some pics.

 Duckies, Baby Carriages, Dinos, Rocking Horses, Froggies...      The works.

Ellen's perfect Blue Dino.

Sara's adorable Duckie.

We had an accident with the blue icing. Can you find the cookie covered in blue dots? 
Totally did that on purpose...

I thought the Feet Cookies would be cute, but they were somewhat creepy-looking.

The only good looking froggie.

P.S. We got 95 cm of snow in 4 days = 3 snow days.
Too bad I was stuck inside studying for exams to play outside.


  1. Such precious cookies! I can't wait to make sugar cookies with my sisters over break. And I can't believe you had so much snow! I'm a bit jealous down here in TX! Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you have a great Monday!


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